Innovation Hub

We are Inspiring people, turning innovative ideas into realities.

What We Offer

Co-working space

Discover your ideal workspace with co-working booths

Startup incubation

We help you grow your business from inception to lift-off.

ICT Training Services

We offer affordable training on basic & advanced ICT Skills

Seminar and Training Room

Meeting rooms and 30 seater capacity event hall equipped with good equipment, guaranteed to enhance your productivity.

Website design & development

We can help you grow/turn your ideas into profitable business through efficient web applications essential for success in the 4th industrial revolution.

Tech Consultancy Services

We offer consultancy services that helps you make clearer sense of the evolving Tech ecosystem.

Mobile App development

Super-charge your web prescence with optimally developed mobile apps.

Digital marketing

Top strategies for content creators to keep your audience connected. We help you expand brand influence globally.

A place to learn and grow together

We create together, measure always, and revise often, ensuring our partners get maximum return on investment.

Testrogen hub is the first computer and tech innovation hub in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. We are here to spur young minds to ideate, innovate and develop solutions that will push the state and country to global scenes.

Contact Us

To reach out to us for further inquiry or suggestions, kindly fill in and submit the form below.

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